Sunday, March 8, 2015

Lab 4: Traveling from New York by Train in the 1930s

This lab was a bit of a challenge. We were given the task to animate a map of the US showing rate of travel from NY city, by train, in the 1930s. The object was to use "tweens" or in between shapes (shapes morphing into another shape). Tweens come in shape or motion tweens. Another term used for this type of animation is morphin'. Tweens come in shape tweens, like the one used to indicate distance, and motion tweens, like the one used for the timeline. This last one could've been done using a shape tween as well. Big lesson learned here; perfect all of your shapes in one layer before you start dropping them into specific or final layers. This is was turned this into a challenge for me, as I didn't perfect the shapes as a group. As a result I had all kinds of unexpected things going on as I played the animation. Overall a fun, challenging project with lots of potential uses.

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